Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why I Blog - Part 2

When I write I run into several walls. One wall I repeatedly have to scale is skipping words in my sentences. I tend to think faster than I write/type. The results are sentences that make no sense. I like to think I have this problem because my incredibly quick mind cannot keep up with my listless, lazy fingers. This is not the truth, but I'm going with it any way.

Another writing burden I carry with me is that I over analyze everything I write.

I write and rewrite things over and over and over. I do not like ink pens. They are unforgiving. If I make a spelling mistake or want to reword a sentence there's nothing I can do about it. Those misspelled words or stupid sentences are just radiating from the page . . . mocking me. It's unacceptable! Two of man's greatest inventions are the eraser and the backspace key.

I have other writing foibles, but those will have to wait for another day.

Here it is in a nutshell . . . finally. I hope by blogging I will become more comfortable with the whole writing process and ultimately a better writer.

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